Pixel vs S2S Postback tracking

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In this post we will highlight the differences between pixel and S2S postback tracking. Learn which solution is the right fit for you.

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What is a Tracking Pixel?

A Tracking Pixel is a type of image that is used in digital advertising. It produces a unique code that lets you see how many people have seen or interacted with your advertising campaign. Tracking Pixels are often used in banners, text ads, videos, social media and other similar types of advertising. In addition to generating useful data, they can also be used to track links or redirect visitors to other pages. Typically, the pixel is a 1×1 transparent GIF image. In this example, the Tracking Pixel is a small GIF of an open eye that has a specific URL. The code is invisible to human users but provides analytics. Popular tracking pixels are Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics.

What is a Postback URL?

Postback URL is a method of communication between a website and a third-party web service. It is typically used by performance marketers and affiliate marketers to send performance-related data to a web service. It’s also used by website owners to send data to a third-party service for other purposes. Postback URL tracking is also known as cookie-less tracking.

Why are Postback URLs important?

Postback URLs are a powerful performance marketing tool for tracking the effectiveness of your advertisement campaigns. A postback URL receives a postback from a visitor’s browser when they click on your ad and is used to track the effectiveness of your campaign. These postbacks allow you to track the effectiveness of your campaign in specific areas and how your product will reach the intended market. With the proper use of postback URLs, you can improve several aspects of your campaign, including ad delivery and content interest. Postback is similar to pixel tracking but has several differences.

Postback vs Tracking Pixel

There are two main ways to track conversions on a website: postbacks and tracking pixels. Postbacks are more accurate but require more work to set up. Tracking pixels are easier to set up, but are less accurate. Postbacks involve the website sending a notification to the affiliate network whenever a conversion occurs. This notification includes information about the conversion, such as the amount of money spent. The affiliate network then forwards this information to the affiliate. Tracking pixels involve the website placing a small piece of code on the confirmation page that is shown to the user after they have completed a conversion. This code is a 1×1 pixel image that is invisible to the user. When the code is loaded, it sends a notification to the affiliate network, which then forwards the information to the affiliate. So, which is better? It depends on your needs. If accuracy is more important to you, then postbacks are the way to go. If ease of setup is more important, then tracking pixels are the better option.

Why is postback tracking useful?

Postback tracking is useful because it allows you to see which advertising campaigns are resulting in conversions. This information can be used to optimize your campaigns and ensure that you are getting the most return on investment. Additionally, postback tracking can help you identify which channels are driving the most conversions, so you can allocate your resources accordingly.

Unlike pixel tracking, which requires a landing page after a user submits a form, postback tracking uses a unique ID generated from the click on a link. This unique ID is passed through the network to the advertiser and then passed back to the user through the postback link. This makes postback tracking more accurate, secure, and flexible.

Postback URLs can be used to track leads, sales, and conversions. Postback tracking is a safe way to track conversions and is much more reliable than pixel tracking. It is more effective because it is server-side, which means that it is not affected by the visitor’s browser. Many affiliate networks (including CellXpert) offer postback URL tracking, which is a great way to increase the performance of your affiliate campaigns.

Some affiliate networks, such as LinkTrackr, have postback tracking built in. This means that you do not have to go through technical support to set up this type of tracking. Similarly, many affiliate networks provide postback URL templates that you can use for easy tracking. If you do not have access to these resources, you can contact the affiliate network to set up your postback URL.

Summary | Which tracking solution is better?

At pipmetrix, we always recommend postback tracking if possible. However, not every affiliate needs postback tracking. If you are mainly using organic traffic with a low volume, pixel tracking should be sufficient until your volume grows.

Use pixel tracking if

  • You are just starting out and do not have a lot of traffic
  • You do not know how to integrate postback tracking

Use postback tracking if

  • You want a secure tracking solution that isn’t impacted by privacy concerns or cookie-blocking tools
  • You want to track users who are being sent directly to your partner’s landing page (PPC traffic)
  • You want to use automated marketing software to handle your campaigns

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